What Are Spider Veins? This condition also known as Telangiectasias is a red or blue spiderweb-like network of tiny veins that appear on the face or legs of people. Though they appear mostly on the face or legs, they can actually be found on any part of the body. This condition is sadly a very common one. Millions of people suffer from this condition around the world. In North America, it is reported that about 40% of women have one form of vein condition or another. It also states that by the age of 80, 80% of women will have one form of vein condition or another. Consult a vein specialist if you notice the symptoms.
What Causes Spider Veins? The origin of spider veins can usually be traced to some form of venous insufficiency.
This means that the valves of the veins do not function properly as they should. In a normal functional valve, the blood is transported only towards the heart against the pull of gravity. If for any reason the vein valves begin to weaken or the walls of the veins weaken, the blood could begin to flow away from the heart in response to the gravitational pull.
This will result in blood pooling in the legs. This is the same thing that causes varicose veins which is a much more serious vein disease. Such types of conditions require vein treatment New jersey.
How Can Spider Veins Be Identified? Other than the obvious network of red or blue veins that appear on the skin, only a vein specialist or a dermatologist can perform a thorough check and properly advise the patient.
How Can Veins Disease Be Treated? Technology has afforded us very effective yet simple spider vein treatment woodland park for this and other vein diseases.
We shall focus on the most effective methods which are in use today. These methods will be accommodated by the patient's health insurance and will be at the most only mildly invasive.
These procedures are painless and require no extensive recovery period as a patient can be back at work the same day after treatment. The treatments will consist of one or both laser treatments or treatment with a salt solution called a sclerosant performed by a vein specialist near me NJ.
Laser Therapy: This method is easily the most effective form of treatment for spider veins. It is only minimally invasive, is painless therefore requires no form of anesthesia and it requires little to no recovery time. This procedure is easily performed in the out-patients unit and is very gentle hence its suitability for any sensitive parts of the body.
Sclerotherapy This method is also a very effective, mildly invasive procedure. It can also be performed in the out-patients unit without anesthesia.
It involves the injection of a sclerosant into the veins. The sclerosant causes the veins to harden clear. This process is quick and effective. The treatment for this condition is readily available at vein clinic Clifton and can be covered by most health insurance policies. There is no need to put up with the nasty look or wait for it to degenerate into something worse. Nip the problem in the bud and avoid enjoying a confident and comfortable life.
Article Source : https://veinclinicsnj.blogspot.com/2021/04/understanding-basics-of-spider-veins.html